How We Can Help
In today’s high-speed and low-content world, most communications are reduced to a handful of abbreviations or merely an emoji or two. Yet, ironically, while our ability to communicate has been greatly shortened, the concepts that we must understand and share have become immeasurably more complex. All of which has occurred at a time when one of the key characteristics that has allowed humanity to evolve over the millenia — the ability to communicate through the written word across vast distances and countless ages — has all but become extinct.
Although there are times when a simple “LOL” or “IMO” may convey all that is needed, the reality of our modern era is that we frequently are confronted with the need to be able to express complicated thoughts, emotions and ideas to others. Unfortunately, as this need for more elaborate writing has manifested itself, our ability to communicate by the written word has almost inversely declined.
Thankfully, there are still those of us who have a passion for, and appreciation of, the power of the written word. With the skills we have honed over the years penning correspondence, writing letters and appreciating the nuances of meanings, we can be an invaluable resource to those who find themselves confronted with the need to write but less certain of their ability to do so.